By Roland Murphy for AZBEX
Simpatico Communities is planning a new 20-acre mixed-use master planned development in Casa Grande on the south side of East McCartney Road, approximately one-quarter mile from Interstate 10.
McCartney Commons will require a rezoning from General Business and Multifamily Residential to Planned Area Development. Simpatico has also requested review and approval for a preliminary development plan.
The northern half of the parcel, slightly less than 11 acres, will be designated for commercial use and may be set as two parcels—A and B. Parcel A would be 4.29 gross acres, and Parcel B would be 6.47. If the PAD is approved, development standards would allow for building heights of up to 45 feet, versus the 35 feet allowed under the current commercial zoning.
The southern portion of slightly more than nine acres—Parcel C—is planned for multifamily. The proposed density of 10-45 units per acre would allow for “Build to Rent, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, traditional apartments, rental townhomes (horizontal or stacked),” according to the submitted development standards.
Internal circulation is planned via an extension of Tucker Road, which would run on an east-west orientation through the site and serve as a boundary between the commercial and residential sections. From there it would turn to the south and create the eastern boundary of the PAD.
The owners of a property to the west of the site have expressed concerns about the Tucker plan, and the proposed point of entry onto their property could hinder plans to parcel out the land and sell it for development. The adjacent owners are also concerned about planned access drives onto McCartney road because they may impact access drives on their property. A technical modification has been proposed as a condition of record that could address the concerns, and the exact route and access point locations will be determined during the major site plan review.
According to the submitted project narrative, the site does not have infrastructure in place within its boundaries, and water, telecommunications, sewer, and gas service will have to be brought in through off-site improvements. There will also be on-site improvements to connect roads, water, sewer and electrical service.
Construction timing and phasing will be determined by market demand, but the first item to be built will probably be a convenience store on Parcel B at the northeast corner of the property and another service, such as a fast food outlet, along McCartney. The multifamily component will probably not develop until the initial commercial outlets are in place.
Casa Grande planning staff recommended the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend the rezoning for approval by City Council.
Simpatico Communities is the developer. Matrix Design Group is representing the project for entitlements management and serves as the civil engineer. Lee Engineering LLC is the traffic engineer.