By BEX Staff for AZBEX
Fiesta Reimagined—the grand redevelopment of the long-vacant Fiesta Mall site at Southern Avenue and Alma School Road in Mesa—has taken the next step toward becoming reality, as developer Verde Investments, Inc. has filed its formal rezoning application with the City of Mesa.
Demolition of the former mall is approximately two-thirds complete, according to an announcement from Verde.
The announcement said, “Verde’s application seeks to shift the site’s zoning from its current Limited Commercial designation to Infill District-2. This new zoning would remain consistent with the Mesa 2040 General Plan while offering Verde and the City maximum flexibility as the redevelopment process evolves.”
According to news reports, as an infill district, the project could be subject to alternative fees and a streamlined review process.
Verde has begun an extensive outreach program to build support among area residents.
According to the submission, plans include 4,000 multifamily units, 750KSF of office, 520.5KSF of open space and 1.1MSF of commercial uses. The Alma School Road frontage will be reserved for commercial. Maximum building heights are planned for up to 120 feet, marking a significant addition to the Mesa skyline.
Architect Nelsen Partners’ plan includes features to enhance pedestrian and cycling friendliness, including paseos separated from vehicle traffic and clustered commercial buildings that will add to pedestrian convenience and accessibility.
Buildout of the entire site could take as long as 10 years, according to Verde. Construction is hoped to begin within 18-24 months.