By Tasha Anderson for AZBEX
The Arizona Department of Transportation recently issued a Request for Qualifications related to the design and construction of the Interstate 10 Broadway Curve, I-17 (Split) to SR 202L Capital Improvement Project in Phoenix. The selected firm will enter into a public-private partnership Design-Build contract with ADOT.
The project area consists of the I-10 from I-10/I-17 Interchange at milepost 149.5 to the Chandler Boulevard TI at milepost 160.1, including the Broadway Curve and certain portions of SR 143 and US 60.

Some elements of the proposed $525M project are expected to include:
- Addition of general purpose lanes and HOV lanes in each direction from the I-10/I-17 Split to US 60 and from US 60 south of Ray Road
- Bridges, drainage, traffic and roadway improvements
- Development of C-D roads in the I-10/SR 143 area
- Relocation or protection of utilities
- Addition of overhead pedestrian bridges
- Signage improvements
The purpose of the project, according to the RFQ, is to improve travel time reliability and mobility and address I-10 congestion.
“Projections of future traffic volume show that congestion will continue to increase with population growth and a rising number of visitors to the region, leading to further travel delays that increase travel times within the I-10 corridor,” the RFQ states. “ADOT is planning to implement improvements to the I-10 corridor that are necessary to increase freeway capacity and safety, alleviating traffic congestion on all components of the overall transportation system in the surrounding area.”
The request is a two-step procurement process. Statements of Qualifications will be due July 2 and a notification of shortlisted firms will be issued in August. While a draft Request for Proposals will be issued to the shortlisted firms in September, the final RFP won’t be issued until January 2020. All proposals will be due in May 2020.
ADOT is currently seeking project approval under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and an Environmental Assessment is underway. The NEPA process is anticipated to be completed sometime after the RFP is issued to shortlisted firms. A schematic improvement concept for the project is also being developed.
According to the RFQ, one of the considered options is a no-build alternative. If the no-build option is selected, ADOT cancel the procurement and the project may no longer be pursued. If the build option is selected, “ADOT anticipates the issuance of the first Notice to Proceed prior to the end of calendar year 2020, with construction to start thereafter based on a schedule to be developed by the Developer.”