A set of zoning code changes to promote housing construction on infill sites is making its way through the Tucson City Council process.
In June of last year, the Mayor and Council discussed issues they commonly heard concerning the City’s Planning and Development Services Department. After those discussions, Council ordered improvements to the Tucson Unified Development Code.
Over the last nine months, a series of public outreach and interdepartmental communications led PDSD to create seven amendments to the zoning code that it will present this week.
Among the recommended changes are:
- Requiring only one parking space per unit and eliminating a requirement connecting the necessary number of parking spaces in new multifamily developments to the number of bedrooms;
- Reducing the amount of space required for vehicle maneuverability in parking lots and allowing developments to configure parking so vehicles can pull out into alleys or roadways to reduce space;
- Allowing townhome construction using shared side walls; and
- Standardizing setbacks based on the type of development, rather than by building heights.
Council will discuss the planned changes in its March 7 meeting and hold a public hearing with a planned vote on March 21. (Source)