By Roland Murphy for AZBEX
The Mesa Design Review Board recently reviewed and made recommendations on the building elevations and landscape design for a new skilled nursing facility on Main Street east of 56th Street.
The vacant, 2.07-acre property is situated next to a warehouse owned by Velda Rose Methodist Church. The submitted narrative states the church is working with the applicant—identified on the landscape plans as Circle the City—and the City of Mesa to separate the two parcels. Circle the City provides healthcare services to individuals facing homelessness in Maricopa County.
The project will require a site plan and design review. The applicant has also requested a special use permit for a minor reduction in provided parking. Hospitals and skilled nursing homes are allowed uses under the existing limited commercial zoning.
Referred to only as Skilled Nursing Facility in the submitted documents, the location will feature a building of slightly less than 30KSF with 84 patient beds. Total lot coverage is 62.4KSF.
The design features a central courtyard for use by patients and staff. Rooms will be divided into quads, with separate spaces for male and female patients. There will also be four isolation rooms for patients who need to be kept separated for reasons of overall safety or wellbeing.
Other features include “a common dining room, medical exam rooms, office space, staff lockers, laundry, a medical lab, a meeting room, and wound care rooms,” according to the narrative.
The narrative also says the Skilled Nursing Facility will have a minimal impact on surrounding properties. “On the north side of the site, there is the Velda Rose Warehouse and an existing residential community further north. The east side of the Property is adjacent to a medical/professional complex and Velda Rose Church. On the west side of the site is the Colonade Motel Suites. The southern boundary is Main Street with a vacant lot on the opposite side of Main Street.”
Velda Rose Methodist Church is the current site owner, and Circle the City is the project applicant. Perlman Architects is the design firm. Landscape planning is by McGough Adamson. The civil engineer is Civil Design Solutions, and mechanical/electrical/plumbing engineering is by KCL Engineering. Pew & Lake, PLC is the project representative.