Florence may one day have an agriculturally focused housing community like Morrison Ranch or Agritopia if a newly proposed master plan comes to fruition.
In a recent neighborhood meeting, owner Chris Dobson explained the vision for C.D. Farms, a plan for more than 2,200 homes on a 656-acre site near Plant and Adamsville roads.
The site plan focuses primarily on 13 single-family home sections but also features two commercial mixed-use and two multifamily areas. Also included are six neighborhood parks.
Dobson told the attendees each portion will have its own agricultural theme, such as cotton, wheat, etc.
A representative of Coe & Van Loo Consultants explained, when asked about the multifamily portion, that apartments would be one potential option. Dobson added the multifamily portion could also be two-story townhomes.
The plan as currently envisioned calls for the land to be sold to builders in increments of 40-80 acres at a time with restrictions in place to ensure compliance with the overall master plan.
One potential complication is the planed North-South Freeway, which is currently planned to cut through the west side of the site. Dobson is seeking to have state highway officials relocate the freeway to western edge of the property, but says the plan will be adjusted if those requests are denied. (Source)