By Roland Murphy for AZBEX
A request for proposals issued by the City of Phoenix last week will, if constructed, create another urban, mixed-use residential development at the SEC and SWC of 1st and McKinley streets downtown.
The 1.49-net-acre site has most recently seen use as a farmer’s market on the SWC and as a temporary Arizona State University parking area on the SEC.
According to the description in the RFP, “The successful proposer will create a high-rise urban infill redevelopment project for the entire Site that facilitates urban living, which may include retail, restaurant, live/work, civic space, or other compatible urban uses in addition to the required residential use. The successful proposer will be responsible for the design, build, maintenance, and operation of the Site.”
The downtown site is located near ASU Downtown, Roosevelt Row, the walkable arts district, and all the downtown sports facilities and entertainment, concert and theatre outlets.
Surrounding uses include hotels, multifamily, and two planned high-rise developments, among others.
The winning proposal will offer a lease of less than 99 years, with a minimum payment of $760K in the first year and minimum annual increases of 3%. The payment may be made in a combination of cash and public benefits. Proposals will have to detail both the financial return to the City and the public benefits of the planned project.
The final project must be at least 10 stories. The required residential component of the selected proposal will include a mix of market-rate, affordable and workforce housing units. At least 10% of units must be affordable and another 10% must be workforce. “Affordable” is defined as targeted to tenants earning 80% of the Area Median Income or less. “Workforce” units will be leased to tenants earning between 80% and 120% of AMI.
The first desired criterion for the development will be: “Create a dense, high-rise, urban infill redevelopment project for the entire Site that capitalizes on the Site’s prominent downtown location and provides a mix of compatible and complementary land uses that facilitate urban living and may include retail, restaurant, live/work, civic space, or other compatible urban uses in addition to residential. Ground floor amenities should be active, community-focused uses that are open to the public and may include soft goods, grocery, hardware, laundry, etc. Retail spaces could be smaller square footage suites to accommodate neighborhood-scale businesses. The innovative design should create functional and appropriate transitions to buildings adjacent to the Site and incorporate design considerations and programmatic elements that support and enhance the arts community along Roosevelt Row.”
Additional desired traits include a focus on walkability and pedestrian focus that promotes the use of the nearby bus and light rail access, as well as other intermodal transportation options, a consideration for sustainable design and construction, “creative and unobtrusive” parking, and consistency with the City’s various plans and programs centered on downtown redevelopment.
A pre-proposal meeting will be held May 13. Written questions are due May 31, with responses due June 10. The final proposals are due by 2 p.m. on July 9.
The final award recommendation is expected in December.