A proposed 65-unit apartment and 13.7KSF retail development at the SEC of Third Avenue and Marshall Way in Old Town Scottsdale was first introduced to the general public in a recent neighborhood meeting.
Information provided by David P. Hamblen of Synectic Design shows a four-story project with an approximately 10-foot step-back on the top level. The commercial uses – which are focused primarily toward art gallery space and, possibly, restaurant use – will be located on the ground floor. Plans also include an underground parking garage.
Owners of nearby businesses attending the meeting expressed mixed emotions about the proposal. On the one hand, some had reservations about how the design would fit into the surrounding area and what potential parking impacts would be. On the other, the estimated increases to property values and foot traffic volumes were noted as positives.
The project has not yet gone to the Design Review Board or Planning Commission. Hamblen estimated construction could begin in late summer 2024 and would take approximately nine months. (Source)