By BEX Staff for AZBEX
Glendale City Council held a hearing Sept. 27 on a blank annexation petition from Iron Rock Development II LLC for annexation of a 64.09-acre site at the NWC of Cotton Lane and Olive Avenue. City documents show Council directed staff to initiate the annexation process for the site on Aug. 23.
Iron Rock Development II is affiliated with industrial developer Eisenberg Company.
If annexed and subsequently rezoned, the developer plans to build a 1.1MSF industrial facility in one or two buildings, according to the staff report. The site is currently used for agriculture and is zoned for one-acre single-family residential. As part of the annexation process, the City will rezone it to agricultural. After annexation, the site will need to be rezoned to Planned Area Development to allow for the Cotton 303 Industrial project’s construction. The developer will also request a minor general plan amendment.
Assuming the annexation, rezoning and general plan amendment are approved, the development team will submit for design review and seek approval to submit construction documents, according to the project narrative.
The narrative describes the intended scope of work, in part, by saying, “The buildings will be comprised of one large or two mid-sized warehouse or manufacturing spaces with associated office on the corners of the building. Loading docks will face north and south with the buildings covering a large portion (60%±) of the site. The design intent of the architecture is to create an attractive, first class, high quality facility, incorporating a simple, clean, warehouse architectural style. The project materials include painted tilt-up panels with store front glass office spaces on the corners.”
Media reports state that some nearby residents spoke at the hearing to oppose the plan based on concerns about impacts to the nearby residential area, traffic volumes, the project timeline and what was described as a lack of existing infrastructure.
The project narrative identifies Iron Rock Development II LLC as the developer and includes Hunter Engineering, Ware Malcomb and Southwest Traffic among the current development team members.