A pair of new auto malls along SR 24 in the southeast part of the Valley came before the Maricopa County Planning and Zoning Commission last month.
Berge Auto Mall and Gateway Auto Mall are proposed by Berge Auto Group and Horne Auto Group, respectively. Berge’s site is planned for 114 acres at the NWC of Signal Butte Road and SR 24, while Gateway wants to build on 88 acres at the SWC. Both properties are currently vacant and lie partially in the jurisdictions of both Mesa and Maricopa County.
Both cases are represented by Pew & Lake PLC and are expected to go before the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors this month. Formal site planning and tenant recruitment will begin when and if the rezoning is approved.
In addition to the Maricopa County aspects, the two owners are also working with Mesa on various approvals. Berge has named Diversified Partners LLC as its developer. The civil engineer is EPS Group Inc. Planning and landscape architecture is by ABLA Studio. Along with the auto mall, the project will also have a residential and a retail component. (Source)