RAS Developments, Inc. has proposed a new mixed-use development in several aging commercial buildings along Phoenix’s Grand Canal.
The project, called Forty600, will be located on approximately two-acres near Central Avenue and Coolidge Street in Phoenix’s Alhambra Village. Per city documents, the mixed-use facility will be a seven-story building consisting of about 150 luxury multifamily units, 6.8KSF of ground-floor commercial, restaurant, retail and office space.
Facing the canal, the project will include four two-story live/work spaces that are intended for small business owners who can live on one floor and work on another. The canal frontage is also expected to include space for retail or a restaurant.
The building will feature pedestrian-scaled urban design, including storefront glazing, shade and landscaping, areas for sitting, as well as pedestrian and bicycle amenities.
The property consists of four parcels – two of which were previously home to Hinkley’s Lighting Factory with the other two containing single story apartments.
RAS Developments, Inc. purchased the site for $4.1M in 2021 between two sales from Hinkley’s Lighting Factory and Corridor Living LLC. Plans were submitted to the City earlier this year to rezone the property. Merge Architectural Group will be providing architectural services for the mixed-use project. (Source)