By Roland Murphy for AZBEX
Already a popular area for redevelopment, Rural Road between Apache Blvd. and University Drive in Tempe could soon see another 950-unit community dotting the landscape.
This week, the Tempe Development Review Commission will consider a proposal from developer Up Campus Student Living for Nova Tempe, a pair of 20-story buildings totaling 950 units/2,391 bedrooms, more than 14KSF of restaurant space and a 10-story on-site parking structure.
The 3.69 gross-acre site at the SEC of Rural and University is a popular location. According to the staff report, “The property to the east was approved in 2023 for 955 East Mixed-Use, an 18-story mixed-use development with 539 units on 3.66 acres. To the South, across 8th Street, the property received development plan approval in October 2024 for Skye Tempe, a 27-story mixed-use development with 306 units on .46 acres. To the north, across University Drive, is the Cornerstone commercial center.” Arizona State University sits to the west across Rural Road.
The planned Nova Tempe site is currently occupied with a variety of commercial uses, including a Chevron gas station, retail and restaurants.
DRC will consider requests for a rezoning and a planned area development overlay. The application will also need a development plan review and a subdivision plat to combine the current eight-lot property into one. Final design details will be determined in the plan review.
The requested rezoning is in keeping with the long-term vision for the area. According to the staff report, “The property is zoned CSS TOD, which permits a maximum density of 25 dwelling units per acre. The proposed zoning district, MU-4 TOD, has no maximum density; the density is established by the associated PAD, which would allow up to 257 du/ac. The current General Plan Projected Land Use and Residential Density category is Mixed-Use Urban Core, more than 65 du/ac, which indicates that this area of Tempe is expected to develop with a mix of land uses within individual projects. The proposed zoning is supported by the General Plan.”
The 950 planned units break down as follows:
- Studio: 319;
- One-bedroom: 40;
- Two-bedroom: 132;
- Three-bedroom: 68, and
- Four-bedroom: 391.
The amenities plan includes ground-floor open/courtyard spaces and a rooftop deck. The staff report says, “The open spaces areas will feature active and passive features such as seating areas, pools, pickleball courts, fireplaces, recreation areas, and a walking/running track.”
Under Tempe’s parking space determination formula, the development would require 2,140 spaces. Given Nova Tempe’s proximity to the light rail line and other intermodal travel solutions, the developer has requested a modification under the PAD for just 979 spaces and submitted a parking study in support of the request. Planning staff agrees with the findings, saying, “Given the location of the site directly adjacent to the light rail and ASU, the multi-modal options in the area, the intended student residents, and the expected decrease in reliance on passenger vehicles, staff supports the requested vehicle parking ratios. The project is pedestrian-oriented and meets the intent of the General Plan and Downtown / ASU / Rio Salado / NW Neighborhoods Character Area Plan.”
If all goes according to plan, construction is expected to start in Q3 2025. The residential towers could take 28-30 months, and the garage could take 10-12 months. According to exhibits submitted in support of the requests, the developer is still working through potential construction phasing.
Up Campus Student Living is the developer. The design firm is Dwell Design Studio. CivTech conducted the traffic study. The parking study was conducted by EPS Group. The project is represented by Snell & Wilmer.