By Roland Murphy for AZBEX
Developer BET Investments, Inc. is requesting a planned area development amendment that would allow it to build a projected 463 units of mixed residential types on a 42.4-acre parcel near the SEC of the Cotton Road alignment of the future Loop 303 freeway and Lower Buckeye Road in Goodyear.
The site is one parcel of the overall El Cidro PAD, which has been amended eight times since its original adoption in 2007.
According to the submitted narrative, Willow at El Cidro Ranch is “an approximately 463-unit residential community, comprising a mix of single-family detached, single-family attached townhome units (alley-loaded), and multi-family units, all in conformance with the Property’s existing “Neighborhood” General Plan land use designation. This sub-market of the City is underserved by housing products of this type, so this request will help fill a need in the sub-market area. The existing El Cidro PAD was planned in accordance with the City’s prior General Plan which has since been updated and replaced. Consequently, Willow at El Cidro Ranch offers a proposed development that is consistent and compatible with the City’s current General Plan.”
The narrative says that, given the planned freeway development, there is no market appetite to develop the property under its original designation of two-to-four residences/acre. The updated proposal seeks to amend the PAD and allow for low-density residential (single-family detached), medium-density residential (both attached and detached two-story townhomes) and multifamily residential (three-story apartment) uses.
The submitted rezoning site plan and development tables show 312 multifamily units, 53 traditional single-family units, and 98 alley-loaded single-family attached units.
The request would implement modified multifamily development standards allowing for a density of 19.9 units/acre and building heights of up to 40 feet. Planned amenities for the multifamily portion include a pool and cabana area, a clubhouse, turf activity and activated open space. The overall development will exceed community open space standards and feature a focus on pedestrian connectivity.
The overall development will also include an internal park element that will feature components from a list of 36 individual additional amenities. The specific number and features have not yet been selected.
According to local news reports, the request had been scheduled to go before the Goodyear Planning and Zoning Commission at its June 12 meeting but was tabled until the August 14 meeting.
BET Investments, Inc. – a Bruce E. Toll Company is the developer. HILGARTWILSON is the planning and engineering firm. The project is represented by Withey Morris Baugh, PLC.