A City of Phoenix plan to redevelop a 12.1-acre infill site at the SWC of 24th Street and Broadway road took another step forward late last month.
In a Jan. 25 meeting, the Economic Development and Equity Subcommittee approved a motion to let the City issue a request for proposals to develop the site, part of the “Four Corners” intersection, which Phoenix has been trying to redevelop for at least two decades.
Key desires for the area, which is in a “food desert,” include a grocery store with healthy options, community-focused medical services, and hospitality options including local retail, full-service restaurants and locally focused retail.
Phoenix issued a Request for Information in March 2021 and presented the results to the community in October of that year. Five responses were received that included mixed-use housing, a grocery store, affordable housing and other community resources. In the intervening time, the City has continued to hold community meetings to solicit resident feedback.
The area has seen significant single-family development in recent years, which officials say they hope will lead to a strong degree of interest when the RFP is issued.
Officials expect the Phoenix City Council to vote to issue the RFP later this month. It will then be issued in the spring, with selection possible by the end of the year, following applicant interviews, review panels, submittal ranking and more community feedback. (Source)