Developer Venue Projects has submitted a request to rezone 2.57 acres at the SWC of Highland Avenue and 14th Place in Phoenix from single-family residential to Planned Unit Development.
The company plans to create a mixed-use residential and commercial development on the site of a former mobile home park.
Wonderview at Highland will have 42 residential units split across a combination of single-story duplexes and two-story buildings with eight units apiece. The northern portion of the property would have three office buildings, one of which would be occupied by the developer. A food and beverage space that could be used as a small restaurant is also planned.
Venue Projects representatives say the company initially bought the property with the intention of redeveloping it as a modern mobile home park. That option proved to be cost prohibitive. The mixed-use proposal is intended to address the so-called “missing middle” in housing developments, falling in between single-family residences and large-scale multifamily communities.
The company may offer some of the units as fully furnished upon buildout. No hearing dates have been announced, although neighborhood meetings are planned to start in November.
Venue Projects is the owner and developer. The design firm is Roberta Clay Architect. The project is represented by Withey Morris Baugh. (Source)