The U.S. Department of Transportation has awarded approximately $172M in federal funds for two Arizona road projects.
Of the awarded funds, $146.6M will be delegated to the Maricopa Association of Governments to work on congestion issues regarding the six-legged highway intersection at Grand Avenue, 35th Avenue and Indian School Road in central Phoenix.
Funds were awarded through the National Infrastructure Project Assistance and Infrastructure for Rebuilding America programs through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
The Arizona Department of Transportation reported traffic volumes have increased by approximately 20% over the past decade. Volumes are expected to continue to grow.
Improvements include raising 35th Avenue for an elevated intersection with Indian School Road above Grand Avenue, altering the intersection into a standard four-legged one.
Funds would also be used to create bridges over the rail line, widening sidewalks, a right-of-way acquisition, and bus shelters, among other improvements.
BNSF Railway Co. has provided $5M for the project.
Total costs are projected to be $356.6M. Remaining costs will be covered through Maricopa County’s half-cent sales tax (Proposition 400).
With Proposition 400 ending in 2025, the County is asking voters to approve Proposition 479, which would extend the tax for another 20 years.
The second project will receive the remaining $26M to convert a 4.5-mile stretch of U.S. Highway 93 from a two-lane to a four-lane highway in the town of Wickenburg.
Improvements would include eight-foot shoulders and broadband conduit, a two-lane frontage road, a southbound two-lane bridge over BNSF tracks, a pedestrian walkway and a roundabout for the U.S. 93 and State Route 89 intersection. (Source)