The Surprise Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended approval of a General Plan Amendment necessary for BNSF Railway’s plans for a hub facility on 3,500 acres near Wittman.
The Commission voted 6-1 to recommend changing the site’s character from Neighborhood to Employment. The request will now advance to City Council, where it must pass by a two-thirds margin.
If the amendment is approved, BSNF will be able to file for rezoning and annexation for the site near 219th Avenue and U.S. 60.
BSNF plans to develop a regional rail facility that will feature warehousing and distribution as well as transfer of cargo back and forth from trains to other modes of transport.
No specific plans for buildings or site development have been filed yet. Project representatives say those will be submitted as part of the rezoning and annexation process and will be available for public review and comment.
Resident opposition to the project has been vocal. Residents cite safety concerns, disruption of neighborhood character, worries about the hours of operation, possible environmental impacts and other harm to the safety of the area and its residents. City staff reported receiving more than 800 statements of opposition.
City Council is expected to hear and vote on the plan amendment at its March 7 meeting. (Source)