By Tasha Anderson for AZBEX
Long-awaited plans for the Digital Realty Data Center proposed for Mesa’s Elliott Road Technology Corridor have finally surfaced.
Back in May 2017 the City of Mesa announced that Dupont Fabros Technology, Inc. – now known as Digital Realty – had purchased 56.5 acres of undeveloped land at the NEC of East Elliot Road and South Crismon Road in order to develop the new data center. According to a September 2018 article published by the Phoenix Business Journal, the plans still had not been submitted to the city.
In late March, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., the architect on the project, on behalf of Hawk Ventures LLC, submitted preliminary plans and a Design Review Board application to the city.
Plans for the Digital Realty Data Center, located at 3319 S. Crismon Road, call for the development of about five buildings on approximately 53.2 acres, ranging in size from 232KSF to 1.12MSF with associated on-site parking. According to the applicant’s narrative, “An electrical substation is planned for the northeast corner of the site and will be constructed by Salt River Project.”
The narrative also states that, “the site is currently vacant and zoned AG (Agricultural District). The site is bounded by a residential subdivision to the north, vacant properties zoned AG (Agricultural District) to the east and south, and South Crismon Road Right-of-Way to the west.”
The project will be constructed in multiple phases with the maximum height of the buildings in phase one being 69 feet. Pedestrian access to the site will be restricted by 8-foot tall fences and walls with a main entrance security gate.
According to the narrative, the proposed South Crismon Road extension is expected to provide vehicular access to the site once construction is completed. The extension will also provide utility connections that will serve the project.
So far no meetings have been scheduled with the Mesa’s Design Review Board or Board of Adjustments; however, a development agreement between the city and Hawk Ventures, LLC that allows Hawk Ventures to “opt-in” to the Elliot Road Tech Corridor zoning overlay and rezone the property to Light Industrial, is scheduled to be heard at Tuesday’s City Council meeting.