By Tasha Anderson for AZBEX
Stockdale Capital Partners has recently submitted plans to the City of Scottsdale for a new multifamily mixed-use project to be located just east of the NEC of 68th Street and Indian School Road.
Stockdale is looking for rezoning and site plan approval for the +/-1.17-acre site immediately adjacent to the Arizona Canal and its multi-use path. “The property is currently vacant and has remained so for some time, indicating the difficulty of developing the irregular size and shape of the site within the current zoning classification,” according to the project’s narrative.
The project, dubbed Canalside, is proposed as a 54-unit apartment complex with a small, 1KSF ground-level retail space. The project will have a maximum building height of 49.6 feet and the residential units will be provided on the second through fourth floors.
“The project has five sides, with primary building elevations that occur along Indian School Road and the canal, with the canal having the longest continuous length of building frontage.”
The design along Indian School Road comprises larger balconies and increased window and door transparency for embellishment. The design on the side along the canal is similar, with enlarged and continuous balconies, but provide, “a continuity of activated public and semi-public space.”
The development will also include approximately 9.4KSF of open space as well as 66 total parking spaces and 12 bicycle parking spaces.
“This project is dedicated to reinvesting in Downtown Scottsdale by creating a residential development that will continue to build upon the existing successful urban character in an evolving mixed-use core,” the narrative states. The development will be surrounded by a variety of other uses including the Hotel Valley Ho, health clubs, offices, bars and restaurants and more.
The project still needs to go through Scottsdale’s Planning Commission and City Council for approval; however, no meetings have been scheduled with the city.
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