The Pacific Proving Technology Campus at Pecos and Crismon roads and the CyrusOne Data Center at Elliot Road and 96th Street both received a thumbs up from the Mesa Planning and Zoning Commission in its July 24 meeting.
The Pacific Proving plan calls for 11 buildings, including nine data halls, a 150KSF office building and a 95KSF warehouse.
The Commission recommended approval for a rezoning and general plan amendment on a 6-0 vote. The project will now advance to Mesa City Council for a final decision.
CyrusOne’s project seeks to build a five-building campus with 1.43MSF of data centers uses. Each of the 290KSF buildings would include a data hall and office space. Plans also include a company-owned substation and a Salt River Project switchyard.
The Commission had final say on the project’s special use permit request and issued its approval on a 4-3 vote. (Source)