A new 4.4MSF industrial development could be coming to Olive and Sarival avenues in Glendale.
If all the necessary actions and approvals are granted, the 276-acre site will see four buildings of approximately 1.1MSF each in a campus to be known as Parkway 303 East. City documents do not identify a developer, but the property is owned by Suburban Land Reserve Inc. (Property Reserve Inc.) the real estate division of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Suburban Land Reserve is also the owner of Parkway 303 West, a six-building 3.4MSF industrial development with nearly 66KSF of commercial space currently in the design phase at Cotton Lane and Peoria Avenue.
The request currently before the City is for annexation of the property into Glendale. If that request is approved, a rezoning request to planned area development and a general plan amendment for a light industrial designation will follow.
Glendale City Council will hear the application in a workshop Sept. 27.
Development costs for the project have been estimated at $599M. Butler Design Group Architects is the design firm, and the project is represented by Withey Morris, PLC. (Source)