As the Valley and national residential markets continue to evolve toward greater diversity in housing types than the traditional split between freestanding housing and clustered garden- or high-rise-style apartments, the West Valley’s appetite for townhome-style developments is getting a boost of more than 450 units between two proposed developments.
Both projects are scheduled for hearings this month.
Bell 115th
In Surprise, Family Development is proposing an 82-unit townhouse community on 6.85 acres near the NEC of Bell Road and 115th Avenue. The plan is accompanied by a rezoning request from Planned Area Development/Commercial to PAD/Residential High Density on three parcels/portions of two tracts in the Coyote Lakes master-planned community.
Coyote Lakes is a 308-acre master plan situated west of 115th Avenue between Bell and Beardsley roads. The Coyote Lakes PAD was approved by the Surprise City Council in 1992 and has been amended twice over the years.
According to the submitted project narrative, “The Owner acquired the Property in 2013 and has worked to market it for commercial uses during that time. Due to the parcelization and limited area for uses as well as limited full turning access into a centralized commercial entrance, it has been passed over and remained vacant, creating a blighted situation. By rezoning to allow for townhomes, the property will finally be developed in a cohesive single phase in a manner that will create a transition to the adjacent residential community without disruption to the existing uses within the partially developed center. In December 2022, the Coyote Lakes HOA voted to approve a land use change for the Amendment Area from Commercial to Multi-Family clearing the way for the City to approve the change as well.”
The proposal calls for 82 units in 19 residential buildings with a mix of 44 two-bedroom and 38 three-bedroom units.
The narrative says the parcels are unlikely to ever be developed for commercial uses because of their unusual shapes, the locations of existing roads, restricted access and the presence of existing commercial development already in the area. It also points out there is a total of approximately 660 commercially zoned acres in the immediate 2.5-mile market area, noting that changing the zoning of the project site would pose little-to-no threat to the potential for commercial development. There are, however, fewer options for attached residential development, implying the planned 82 units would be the more beneficial option for the overall community.
Bell 115th is stylistically in keeping with other high-end townhome developments around the Valley. According to the development plan, “The proposed development has 82 townhomes that include 2- and 3-bedrooms in two-story units… All units will have attached 2-car garages and private entrances. Buildings will consist of 2, 4, 5, or 6 units… A leasing center will be available for residents. Amenities will be offered as appropriate for this size of development and could include a community pool, clubhouse and park or dog park.”
In a somewhat unusual move, the developer has been able to secure a vote of support from the homeowners’ association for the immediate area. HOAs around the Valley—and notably in Surprise—are often among the most ardent opponents of denser residential development in adjoining areas.
The Board of Directors for the Coyote Lakes Homeowners Association, however, has expressed its support for the development and listed eight potential community benefits if Bell 115th is built as proposed, including:
- Traffic and noise abatement,
- Reduction/elimination of campers/trucks and homeless people on the planned site,
- Lower intensity than commercial development and
- More residents to support existing commercial operations.
The developer is Family Development. Danielian Associates is the design firm and land planner. Landscape design is by Hermann Design Group. The Surprise Planning and Zoning Commission is scheduled to hear the request this week.
Banyan 83rd and Thomas
In west Phoenix, another, much larger, townhome proposal is also requesting changes to an existing land use.
Banyan Residential is requesting changes to nine stipulations attached to a 29.3-acre property near the SEC of Thomas Road and 83rd Avenue. That approval established C-2 commercial zoning, and Banyan intends to develop its plan under those rights and underlying provisions. Several stipulations will need to be changed to accommodate the planned residential project, however.
That project plan intends to build approximately 378 townhome-style units on the still undeveloped site. According to the submitted project overview, “…the 2003 approval was for a proposed commercial development of about 391,100 square feet with a small component of multifamily residential at a total of only 135 dwelling units. This now 20 year old entitlement case reflected the time in which it was proposed, with a large retail center with supporting surface parking is the key focus. As evidenced by that project not being constructed, this vision does not reflect today’s market realities which are less supportive of largescale retail centers. With the increase in e-commerce, the demand for commercial storefronts and square footage is not what it was in the early 2000’s. Given the Property’s proximity to Desert Sky Mall, as well as commerce at various “four-corners” intersections nearby, a large commercial center at this mid-block location is not practical nor best for the larger community.
“Today, the Property is a great location for a residential development of a neighborhood scale, particularly given the more residential development trends surrounding the site… Banyan Residential proposes 378 units with a 2-story maximum height with a combination of garage and surface parking… the reimagined project is of a more neighborhood scale, similar to other recent residential developments in the area along Thomas Road and 83rd Avenue, more consistent with the context of the area and, by bringing new residents to the area, more supportive of the remaining retail and commercial businesses in the area (vs construction of additional competitive square footages of retail/commercial supply).”
There were 11 stipulations, two of which had multiple components, attached to the 2003 approval. The requested changes deal with modifying the plan for townhome development rather than general commercial, including conforming to an updated site plan, design concepts and conceptual elevations, rather than the 2003 originals.
According to the request summary, “This is a request to approve several minor changes to the 2003 rezoning stipulations and approve the proposed building elevations to reflect the modern concept for this site. The new plan is an improvement to the neighborhood and will activate the Property and provide additional residents to the area to support commercial businesses. Furthermore, activation of this site will support the larger neighborhood by removing a vacant site, putting “eyes on the neighborhood” as well as along abutting streets and will support transit use and commercial uses along the Thomas Road and 83rd Avenue corridors. Finally, this proposal will utilize the existing C-2 development rights for residential development, retaining consistency with its existing zoning while simply updating the final land use of the Property.”
Banyan Residential is the developer. Planning is through RVi Planning + Landscape Architecture. The project is represented by Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.
The requests are scheduled to go before the Phoenix Planning Hearing Officer on Sept. 20.