The City of Phoenix has issued a request for proposals seeking a developer to buy a city-owned parking lot in the Roosevelt Row Arts District and transform the site into a high-rise.
The 0.4-acre site on Second Street north of Roosevelt is a City-owned parking lot that had been used as a demonstration area for shipping container-based homes. The site is zoned for heights of up to 250 feet.
Phoenix wants a mixed-use high-rise built on the location. Desired components include ground floor public amenities like retail or restaurant uses. If a residential use is included, at least 20% of the units must be offered as either affordable or workforce housing. Housing Choice Vouchers much be accepted for affordable units.
The minimum purchase price for the property will be approximately $4.8M. Payment can be offered through a combination of monetary consideration and a quantified public benefit.
Proposals are due Jan. 30, with selection expected sometime this summer. (Source)