By BEX Staff for AZBEX
After a nearly two-and-a-half hour discussion of Mack Real Estate Group’s proposal for Phase 1 on 61.5 acres of its master-planned industrial park on 124.7 acres at 9100 E. Bell Road, the Scottsdale Development Review Board ended up continuing the case on a 6-0 vote.
The hearing had been planned for approval of a site plan, landscape plan, building elevations and site improvements for the new Mack Innovation Park industrial development at Bell and Loop 101. The proposal calls for four one-story buildings totaling more than 608KSF on 61.5 acres of the overall site, according to the meeting agenda.
Following presentations on the project, Board members had extensive questions and issues with the plan concerning items such as screening the development from view corridors, massing, variation and parapet height, and tree placement, among others.
At the end of the session, Scottsdale Councilmember Barry Graham, in his rotation on the Board, asked for a motion to continue the matter to an undermined future date. Project representative Jason Morris of Withey Morris Baugh requested a specific date for the hearing, as that would facilitate discussions and planning management between project staff and City planners.
A date of Jan. 4 was eventually settled upon, and the motion to continue was passed unanimously.