The Punchcard Building, also known as the Phoenix Financial Center, may finally be moving ahead with a long-desired mixed-use campus renovation plan.
The 18-story tower and two 9KSF rotundas have been undergoing a series of tenant improvements overseen by developer Ironline Partners, which is operating in partnership with owners The Geddes Family. Renovations have been made to the 7th, 17th and 18th floors at the iconic 312KSF building, and representatives say approximately 200KSF is available for lease.
The building, which was once largely used for government office space and resembles a vintage computer punch card on its south side, was designed in the 1960s by W.A. Sarmiento.
Now, in addition to the extensive Tis, a long-planned $100M, 335-unit, 400KSF multifamily component is about to be added. As envisioned by developer Mill Creek Residential, planned amenities at Modera Park Central include outdoor areas, a resort-style pool, coworking spaces, a fitness center overlooking Punch Card Park and rooftop patios.
The residential portion, some of the major office renovations, and the indoor-outdoor site improvements are expected to deliver in two to three years.
Another building, possibly a hotel, is planned for an empty lot on the campus. (Source)