By City of Yuma
The City of Yuma was notified on November 16th that it had been awarded the RAISE Grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation, the only Arizona project selected. This $10.6M grant will be used to develop the Hotel del Sol into the Yuma Region’s first Multi-Modal Transportation Center.
The City Council identified downtown revitalization and riverfront development as high priorities in their Strategic Plan this past year and the multi-modal transportation center was an essential element of the City’s legislative agenda. This project will support the City’s goals to make Yuma more safe and prosperous and transform the heart of Yuma by redeveloping a historic building while revitalizing the surrounding area’s physical environment. It will also showcase downtown economic development and assist with neighborhood renewal efforts.
The MMTC will be the primary Yuma regional transfer hub for all arriving and departing Amtrak and Greyhound passengers and will serve as YCAT’s downtown transit center. Additionally, this development will include public service counters for the Yuma County Intergovernmental Transportation Authority, eliminating the need for riders to travel to multiple locations for transportation and ticketing services.
The MMTC will be developed to serve as a fully functional 24/7/365 one-stop transportation center by consolidating commuter rail, intercity bus, and local public transit modes of transportation into one location.
City Council’s plan is to leverage the $10.6M in grant funds through a yet-to-be-determined private partner. (Source)