The Yuma City Council has approved a land use change in the General Plan to allow for an 80-unit affordable apartment development.
Landowners Bruce and Linda Butcher requested a land use designation for 2.8 acres at 1749 S. Arizona Ave. and a change for the NEC of Riley Avenue and 18th Street from commercial to high density residential.
Council had previously extended the boundary of the Mesa Heights Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area to bring the newly annexed land into Yuma. The plan establishes funding priorities for projects in the Area and guides Community Development Block Grant uses.
Except for a junkyard, most of the site is vacant. Development of vacant infill space and establishment of rental opportunities are among the Plan goals. The developers plan to use Low-Income Housing Tax Credits as part of the project funding. The existing Mesa Heights Apartments community on Arizona Avene also made use of the funding method.
Since it is part of a Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area, the new proposal will earn bonus points for some of the funding applications it currently has pending. (Source)