By Bill Helm for Verde Independent
On Wednesday, December 18th, the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors approved three items related to building the county’s new jail in Prescott.
Supervisors voted to approve the consent agenda item that allows the county to seek reimbursement of capital and certain other expenditures related to the construction and equipping of the $70M, property-tax-supported Yavapai County Prescott Criminal Justice Facility Project. The facility is to be located off Prescott Lakes Parkway, near the Juvenile Detention Center.
According to the Yavapai County Supervisors’ agenda packet, the IGA would allow Yavapai County to seek reimbursement from the proceeds of the Jail District bond issuance to recover advanced construction related costs paid by the county for the Yavapai County Prescott Criminal Justice Facility Project.
Supervisors also approved a $40,465 Professional Services Agreement with Speedie and Associates for geotechnical, environmental, inspection and testing consultant services for Phase I of the Yavapai County Criminal Justice Center in Prescott.
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