By City of Tucson Office of Economic Initiatives
In Dec. 2022, American Battery Factory announced that Tucson had been selected as the company’s corporate headquarters and site of the country’s largest facility for the production of lithium iron phosphate battery cells. The Tucson Mayor and City Council have approved a Primary Jobs Incentive development agreement with ABF.
The City of Tucson Primary Jobs Incentive is a financial tool that supports the City’s efforts to attract quality jobs and investment. The incentive provides up to a 100% reimbursement of construction sales tax to qualifying expenses such as required public infrastructure improvements, offsets to impact fees, and job training.
ABF intends to hire 1,000 new employees over the next several years with an average salary of $65K. Under the development agreement, the company will be eligible for a maximum reimbursement of $3.965M once construction is complete and the company demonstrates that it has met specific performance criteria.
The overall economic impact of the ABF project—to be constructed on 267 acres south of Tucson International Airport—is estimated at more than $2.5B over five years. Construction is expected to start in June with completion in late 2024. (Source)