By Jane Stewart for AZBEX
Skyway, LLC, through Cawley Architects, Inc., has requested approval of an Amended Final Plat that would redistribute five parcels, located on the SWC of Rio Glass Solar Road and Dysart Road in Surprise, into two parcels of 4.59 and 5.05 parcels, respectively, within Skyway Business Park Planned Area Development.
Cawley, working with Silagi Development and LGE Corporation, has created plans for two speculative office and warehouse buildings, known as Building H and Building J, to be constructed on the most northeastern corner of the site. Buildings H and J will be identical at 63.5KSF each with Building H to be constructed on the north parcel, and Building J on the south parcel. In addition to the buildings, “site improvements will include paving, sidewalks and landscaping,” which will also include landscaped medians along Dysart Road.
Fronting onto Dysart and Rio Glass Solar Roads, the buildings will have “access to the site by entrances on both Dysart and Rio Glass Solar Roads. A total of four entrances along Dysart Road align with the layout of the architecture of the project. A single full access and three restricted access entrances will be provided. Landscaped medians will ensure that the restricted access points will be limited to right-in and right-out movements only while the northern entrance will provide full vehicular access to the facility.”
“The design of the project incorporates contemporary architecture that will add visual interest and be complimentary to the business park as a whole. The exterior elevations will be comprised of a variety of materials including glazing, concrete tilt walls, and steel shade canopies,” the submittal states. The design will have varying horizontal and vertical building elements including parapet walls that will screen the rooftop mechanical units.
These parcels were originally annexed into the City of Surprise in 1997. Since then, there have been preliminary and final plats approved, as well as three separate site plans approved in 2007 alone. For Skyway Commons, Phase I, the City of Surprise’s Planning and Zoning Commission approved the site plan at their January 4, 2018, meeting and the City Council concurred at their January 16, 2018 session.
The Owner/Developer is Skyway, LLC, and Cawley Architects, Inc. is the architect. The civil engineer is Hunter Engineering, P.C., and T.J. McQueen & Associates, Inc., is providing the landscape architecture.
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