By Tasha Anderson for AZBEX
The City of Phoenix has issued a Request for Proposals for a firm to redevelop the Regency Parking Garage site at 40 N 2nd Street, downtown.
The 41.2KSF site currently houses the Regency Parking Garage, a multi-story structure with commercial space on the ground floor that provides parking for the Phoenix Convention Center. The City of Phoenix wishes the selected firm to “create an appropriately dense, infill redevelopment project that capitalizes on the Site’s prominent urban location and provide a mix of complementary land uses that facilitate urban activation, which may include office, hotel, retail, restaurant, residential, civic space, or other compatible urban uses,” according to the RFP.
The site is bounded by Adams Street to the North and by 2nd Street to the East. It is also bounded by 1st Street on the West and by a public alley to the South. The site is surrounded by ASU’s Downtown Phoenix Campus, Phoenix Convention Center, a full-service hotel and a high-rise tower and retail/commercial space. According to the RFP, the desired project should, “Incorporate enhanced pedestrian-oriented amenities and ground floor activation along Adams, 1st and 2nd streets, promoting walkability with direct connections to adjacent bus and light rail transit stops, pedestrian links and bicycle facilities.”
If the project is residential, the city wishes for a minimum of 10 percent of the dwelling units to be used for workforce housing in order to “attract a range of household income brackets,” the RFP states.”
The successful respondent will also incorporate parking through a “shared parking model” for use by the general public.
A pre-proposal meeting will be held on August 12, 8:30 a.m. at Phoenix City Hall, Assembly Rooms B and C. All proposals must be submitted by no later than September 24, 11:00 a.m. Interviews with shortlisted firms – if applicable – will commence in October and an award recommendation is expected to be brought to City Council in April 2020.
According to a Downtown Devil article dated March 14, construction is estimated to begin in 18-24 months.