Phoenix is planning to introduce its first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system along 35th Avenue, which will provide faster, more reliable, and more convenient public transportation options for commuters in the area. The route will stretch 13.6 miles, from the former MetroCenter Mall at Dunlap Ave. at the north to Van Buren St. in the south. It will also stretch east along Van Buren to end at Central Avenue. This first path represents roughly 1/5 of the total BRT planned in the overall T2050.
The BRT system will include dedicated bus lanes, traffic signal priority, and level boarding platforms, among other improvements. Options for the roadway design are being considered by City planning staff and project planning consultant AECOM. Options for the roadway include acquiring land for right of way, making the path wider to accommodate the BRT line, or keeping the width the same and eliminating traffic lanes. A series of public meetings are being held, soliciting survey responses, and inviting public comment.
Construction is not expected to begin until Fall 2026 and is estimated to complete in Winter 2028. (Source)