Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport is moving ahead with plans to replace its 13-year-old temporary terminal annex with a new 15KSF permanent structure to accommodate its rapid growth and increased flight volume.
The airport technically has 10 gates but can only use two at a time in the current annex structure, leaving a total of eight available. The combination of pandemic impacts and the addition of 11 new nonstop destinations this year has demonstrated the current setup’s inadequacy, according to airport officials.
This summer, the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Aviation Advisory Board awarded a $948,243 design services contract to DWL Architects + Planners for a new four or five gate terminal annex. The annex will connect to the rest of the terminal via a walkway. In addition to the gates, the building will also have retail and concession space.
Funding for the project may come, at least in part, from the bipartisan infrastructure bill currently being debated in Washington. Airport officials are in contact with the Arizona congressional delegation.
Airport officials say funding under the infrastructure bill could allow for an aggressive development timeline, potentially enabling groundbreaking in spring of 2022 and opening in February 2023.
Other funding mechanisms could include a passenger facility charge. (Source)