By Roland Murphy for AZBEX
The Phoenix City Council’s Economic Development and Equity Subcommittee recently heard a request to approve a development agreement with Scannell Properties LLC to create the Dobbins Industrial and Tech Park near Dobbins Road and the Loop 202 Freeway in west Phoenix’s South Mountain Technology Corridor.
Project Details
The speculative project would develop a 240-acre site as a master plan in two phases. Phase I would create approximately 1.2MSF of built space, followed by 3.2MSF in Phase II. Altogether, the development would create between 15 and 18 buildings.
Scannell Properties has requested a Planned Unit Development zoning district for the site, which it plans to become “a major economic driver within the southwest region of Phoenix,” according to a revised application narrative submitted last December.
The site is currently designated for a range of uses, including traditional and medium-density residential, park and open spaces. A requested general plan amendment accompanying the PUD would change the designation to Industrial and Commerce/Business Park.
The overall concept expressed in the updated narrative is, “…The development of an industrial and technology business park that will allow warehouse and office uses to attract high-wage jobs in technology, bioscience, light manufacturing, finance and other office and industrial uses. Specific users, building locations, building design, and overall layout will be refined as future uses materialize. This PUD establishes land use entitlement flexibility and design expectations to encourage and attract future users.”
When the project was in front of the Laveen Village Planning Committee last year, members stated they did not want the development to be overly warehouse-focused. As a result, distribution facilities are prohibited as a primary use until three years after the first Phase I building receives its certificate of completion.
Development Agreement
In a presentation given to the Economic Development and Equity Subcommittee, the South Mountain Technology Corridor is noted as Phoenix’s newest employment corridor, with between 50,000 and 80,000 jobs expected at full build-out.
The Greater Phoenix Economic Council, Arizona Commerce Authority and Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce intend to promote the corridor as a preferred place to do business.
A story from KJZZ quoted a report to the subcommittee saying, “This property is vital to kick off the SMTC and is crucial to provide existing space for the many advanced manufacturing companies coming into the market. The redevelopment of the Site is an important economic development opportunity that will create several hundred new high wage jobs over time for the community, and will yield significant financial and public benefits for the City above and beyond the (Transaction Privilege Tax) revenues generated.”
Under the proposed development agreement’s 10-year term, Scannell Properties will construct public infrastructure for the site, including water and wastewater and improvements to Dobbins Road, 63rd Avenue and 67th Avenue. Phoenix will reimburse the company’s construction and leasing sales taxes up to $7.5M.