The section of Lake Pleasant Parkway between Loop 303 and State Route 74 is the only area of the roadway that has not been widened, and the City of Peoria wants to remedy that as soon as possible to accommodate the pace of growth in the surrounding area.
Peoria officials want to accelerate the road expansion design process. The initial target is to widen the road with two lanes in each direction. Another lane in each direction will eventually be added.
Most of the land required for the plan is owned by the State Land Department.
Peoria will have to create a Design Concept Report that will detail the design, acquisition of land and construction. City Council has approved $2.2M to speed up the design process, moving the funding up from Fiscal Year 2025.
The DCR will define the scope and evaluate how best to phase the project, evaluate environmental conditions and drainage impacts, provide a recommended alternative design, estimate costs, establish an implementation plan and examine other areas of concern that will need to be factored into the project.
Current cost estimates are $4.7M for the project design, $9.4M for land acquisition and slightly more than $40.3M for construction. The City hopes to start construction in Fiscal Year 2027.
The final design, land acquisition and total construction timeline is slotted for FY 2025-FY 2028. (Source)