Developers of a planned subdivision and area residents recently engaged in sometimes heated exchanges at a public meeting in Payson to discuss the project.
Juniper Pines and Pink Door Storage are planned for 38 acres at the NEC of Chaparral Pines Drive and Highway 260. The development includes 30 single-family homes, a multifamily development and a storage facility.
Site preparation has already begun for an RV storage facility under an at-risk grading permit issued by the Town of Payson.
Surrounding residents were invited to a neighborhood meeting with SS Architecture and SS Contracting as part of the preliminary development process.
An official with developer ELS Ventures dealt with questions and comments from the attendees, including allegations that the current efforts are promoting flooding and damaging area properties. He explained the company’s work will alleviate future flooring because culverts are being installed that will control water underground. That water will go into detention ponds and other components that will slow it down and reduce damage from future storms.
Residents also expressed worry about the sufficiency of entrances and exits to the subdivision and the potential impacts on traffic and congestion, as well as access and egress in the event of a fire. They were particularly worried about the impacts once the multifamily component is added.
Even though residents are insisting on a traffic analysis to establish whether a traffic light should be installed at the main intersection, ELS representatives have not been contacted by the Arizona Department of Transportation about any such requirement.
Local officials explained ELS will submit a preliminary plat for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission. They will then have to pass a civil improvement plan and request a final plan approval. Once that is in place, there will be a review of public utility easements and roadways prior to construction.
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions must also be approved and put in place before vertical construction can begin.
While the apartments will not be Section 8 housing or otherwise affiliated with programs under the Department of Housing and Urban Development, project representatives have said they hope the inclusion of new multifamily units will contribute to overall affordability within the community. (Source)