By Adrienne St. Clair and Roland Murphy for Arizona Builder’s Exchange
Capital Industrial Holdings, LLC has submitted a proposal to the City of Scottsdale to build a new industrial project on the SEC of 91st Street and Palo Brea Bend.
The development, which will be called Overlook 99, will be made up of four buildings, and together they will total 53KSF. The first building – Building A – will be a two-story office building, while Buildings B, C and D will be a combination of office and warehouse spaces with two-story offices. The proposal notes that loading areas will be located internally, away from street entrances.
The property is located in the DC Ranch Corporate Center. The developer is not requesting any change in zoning, as “the building design is intended to be compatible with the other existing buildings in the area,” according to city documents. The center has specific guidelines for development projects in the area.
Of particular note in this submittal is the site topography. It sits in a FEMA-defined AO flood zone. As a result, the lowest finish floor will have to be 24 inches above the highest existing adjacent grade. “The northern portion of the existing site is approximately three feet below Palo Brea,” the narrative states. “Additionally, the site slopes approximately seven feet to the south. In order to reduce the approach angles of the drives into the project along Verde Grove View at the south, the site will be lowered at the northern portion in order to minimize the amount of fill at the site.”
According to city documents, the project’s design features natural materials. The development is designed in muted colors to blend with the surrounding desert landscape. The buildings’ walls will be made from sand blasted, scored and stained concrete masonry units. There will also be exposed steel structural beams and columns designed to “maintain their ‘mill finish’ and be left to weather naturally.” The buildings’ office windows will face the McDowell Mountains, providing sweeping views for the workers. The developer plans to keep the native desert landscaping around the development, replanting native trees that may get displaced during construction.
All lighting for this project is LED in conformance with the Scottsdale Lighting Design guidelines.
Construction will begin January 2019, according to the construction manager.