By BEX Staff for AZBEX
Pursuit Park, a four-building 900KSF industrial proposal in Mesa near Elliot and Signal Butte roads was recently discussed by the Mesa Design Review Board.
According to representatives of project developer Mortenson, no users are in place yet.
Mortenson Developments’ requests to the City are for a design review, site plan review and rezoning from Agricultural to Light industrial with a planned area development.
The site is designated as an Employment District under the 2040 Mesa General Plan and is also within the Mixed-Use Community District of the Mesa Gateway Strategic Development Plan.
Pursuit Park is planned as a single-phase project that will deliver one building each of 270.4KSF, 260.4KSF, 202.2KSF and 163.3KSF. Light Industrial carries a building height of 40 feet. Building heights under the PAD are requested at 50 feet, going up to 55 feet overall for the mechanical equipment screening. The greater height is justified in the project narrative as being relatively standard for industrial users, and the narrative cautions that without the greater height the ultimate pool of prospective tenants would be limited.
Potential intended uses include warehouse/manufacturing and other logistics and industrial operations.