By City of Maricopa
The City of Maricopa announce plans for the new Police Administration Building and Emergency Communications Center are moving forward… with one key change. Instead of going across town, the new building is moving right next to City Hall.
Relocating the center to a plot just south of the current Police Station will allow the City to cover the original design at no additional cost. As the City expands away from John Wayne Parkway, the new location will also place officers in a more central location for responding to emergencies.
At approximately 32KSF, the building will provide officers and emergency dispatchers with the space they need to expand and continue their service to the community for decades to come. The new building is expected to meet the needs of Maricopa residents until the city reaches a population of between 150,000-200,000 people.
The new facility will have the capacity to eventually accommodate more than 100 officers and will include 20 call stations for dispatchers. The original plans are still intact to include future expansion capabilities in order to host other jurisdictions as partners in emergency communications.
Funding for the $25M project comes from a combination of monies from the City’s general fund, land sale proceeds and police impact fees. No new taxes or debt were created to support any of the project.
The construction start date is being finalized. (Source)