By Tasha Anderson for AZBEX
HonorHealth is requesting approval for a site plan, landscape plan and building elevations in order to develop a new multi-tenant medical office building at their Osborn Medical Center Campus in Scottsdale.
The project, called the HonorHealth Neuroscience Institute, is planned as a five-story 116KSF outpatient clinic building located at 7242 East Osborn Road. According to the applicant’s submittal, the building will be situated on the east side of the Osborn Medical Center Campus, “creating a public west side and blocking off the view into the loading dock of the hospital.” The narrative submitted to the city also notes the addition of a future ambulatory care center.
The public side will house 160 parking spaces, with 55 of them to be located under the building. The lot view will be screened by landscape breaks with shaded trees while the underground parking will be screened by a “full-height CMU wall”.
Vehicular access to the site will be provided from North Brown Avenue while pedestrian access “will come from separate areas, each creating an opportunity for a different pedestrian experience,” the narrative states. “Our site responds to pedestrians from the parking garage to the west through creating a landscaped walkway to connect the pedestrian to our building entrance.” The entrance to the building will be on the north end of the west side.
The design of the building itself is expected to connect to the adjacent hospital by incorporating one-story spaces near the east side of the property and building up to the five-story space moving in.
According to the submittal, “the building will take architectural queues from the existing hospital and context, while incorporating unique architectural features that will bring new energy to the Downtown Area.”