The Coconino National Forest has published its final environmental assessment for its APS McGuireville to Oak Creek 69kV Transmission Line Project.
The project’s intent is to bolster the power grid in the Red Rock Ranger District. The 13.7-mile transmission line will be constructed between McGuireville and Oak Creek. The line will connect to existing lines and create a looped system.
A 45-day public objection period has opened for the project. The new transmission line will improve the reliability and resiliency of the system. It will open the opportunity to divert some of the power supply if a section of the transmission line gets damaged.
The transmission line will limit power outages during infrastructure repairs and incidents. Portions of the existing overhead line along the Village of Oak Creek will be replaced. An entirely new overhead line will be constructed along Cornville Road.
Other sections of the line, such as a portion that crosses State Route 179 and Beaverhead Flat Road, will be installed underground. (Source)