By Tasha Anderson for AZBEX
Plans for a proposed multifamily development, as part of a 52-unit adaptive reuse and mixed-use development project planned for the Five Points area in Tucson, has recently been submitted to Tucson’s Infill Incentive District – Design Review Committee.
Flash TV LLC, a partnership of Central Barrio Development LLC and 2016 Marcel Dabdoub Family GSTT Irrevocable Trust according to the documents, is proposing to combine two parcels site at 902 and 912 South 6th Avenue and 17 West 19th Street, and demolish the two structures currently housed on the site. The structures used to serve as an office and automotive repair shop.
The project, dubbed Flash II, is proposed as a three-story, 33-unit apartment building, comprised of all one-bedroom units to be constructed on the northern part of the property.
The building is expected to be approximately 25.8KSF with a maximum height of 35 feet. Some of the one-bedroom units are proposed to be built with dens.
The southern half of the property will house a screened 35-space parking lot and additional parking will also be provided, bringing the total up to 42 parking spaces. The development will also include 17 bicycle parking spaces, “both within the Right-of-Way for visitor use, as well as on-site for the residents,” the project documents state.
“The project will be pedestrian oriented with residential first floor front doors adjacent to 19th Street. The current sidewalk width will be maintained, and shade will be provided through the use of awnings and trees for more than 50 percent of the public sidewalk.”
According to an article by TIBO, dated September 13th, 2019, The larger, adaptive reuse and mixed-use project, called The Flash, is proposed as a renovation and re-purposing of the former Flash TV store at 836 S. 6th Avenue.
“The former Flash TV building will be renovated and repurposed into a mixed-use building, including 2 ground floor office/retail spaces, a dozen two-story market rate single bedroom apartment units and 5 upper level studio apartments with the option of being live/work spaces,” the article stated.
The Flash II was expected to be heard at Tucson’s Infill Incentive District – Design Review Committee meeting on Thursday, March 19th; however, the City of Tucson has canceled their meeting. It is unclear when the next meeting will be scheduled.
According to Central Barrio Development LLC in a phone call to BEX researchers, Construction on the Flash TV building and adjacent single-story building (buildings 1 and 2) started as of this past week. Construction on the Flash II (Building 3) will start in April and is anticipated to take about 12 months to complete.
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