By Arizona Department of Transportation
The Arizona Department of Transportation, in partnership with the Maricopa Association of Governments, Peoria and Surprise, is seeking public input on a potential new Loop 303 interchange between US 60 and El Mirage Road.
This interchange would address growing traffic demand and high traffic volumes north of Loop 303 and east of US 60 (Grand Avenue), including congestion at the Loop 303/US 60 interchange and US 60/163rd Avenue intersection. The study is evaluating four alternatives for the location and design concept of a new traffic interchange that are detailed at
ADOT is seeking public feedback through Monday, March 24th, on the alternatives through a survey available at
MAG held a virtual public meeting for its own US 60 (Loop 303 to SR 74) corridor study at 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 3rd. The link for the MAG page is The agenda included a presentation about the Loop 303 interchange alternatives study.
ADOT’s Loop 303 study will lead to a recommended interchange alternative that will be identified for further design when funding becomes available. (Source)