Source: Arizona Department of Transportation
In preparation for a project improving State Route 69 in Prescott Valley, the Arizona Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting Tuesday, August 13, so area residents can learn more about the planned work and ask questions.
The meeting, scheduled for 6 to 8 p.m. at the Prescott Valley Public Library at 7401 Skoog Boulevard, will be an open house format with a formal presentation at 6:30. Representatives from the ADOT project team will be available to answer questions.
The project along SR 69 will improve safety and traffic operations between Truwood Drive and Enterprise Parkway. It will add a raised center median and make preparations for a future signalized intersection at Mendecino Drive.
The work will also include preparations for a new type of intersection at Truwood Drive that facilitates continuous traffic flow in one direction while providing safe, guided turn lanes for those turning left. This configuration is known as a green T intersection.
The project is set to begin later this fall.