By Roland Murphy for AZBEX
A new 90-unit apartment community could be in the works for a prominent site near downtown Prescott.
500 S. Marina Street has been home to a children’s hospital, a mental hospital and was also the location of the Yavapai County Development Services offices until 2012. The building on site has sat vacant since then, and a demolition permit was issued last November.
Owner YH Development Properties has requested a rezoning and minor general plan amendment for 0.6 acres of a nearly 3.3-acre total site to allow construction of the new multifamily community. According to the staff memo prepared for the Prescott Planning and Zoning Commission, “The subject project area is currently zoned residential Single-family 9 (SF-9) and Multifamily-High Density (MF-H) located at the end of South Marina Street and totals 3.279 acres. The small area zoned SF-9 is approximately 0.6 acres of the project area. The properties around the subject site are (Multifamily- High Density) to the north, west, and south; and Single Family (SF-9) to the east. It is the request of the property owner to rezone the 0.6-acre portion to Multifamily-High Density (MF-H) to be the same as the rest of the project area and to allow the proposed 90-unit apartment project.”
The proposed site plan shows a planned unit mix of 50 one-bedroom, 35 two-bedroom and five two-bedroom units dedicated to senior residents. The overall development will consist of seven two-story buildings.
To date, there has been one letter of support and one letter of opposition submitted by nearby property owners. The opposition letter states the planned infill development is inconsistent with the predominantly single-family character of the surrounding area.
The supporting letter says the vacant parcel is an eyesore that attracts homeless encampments, vandalism, drug use and other undesirable activities. It also says the additional residents would be a benefit and provide support for downtown businesses.
Michael Taylor Architects, Inc. is the design firm. The Planning and Zoning Commission is scheduled to consider the requests at its May 9 meeting.