A roughly 58-acre site at the SWC of Happy Valley Road and 147th Avenue could soon become a mixed multifamily residential development of approximately 810 units under a rezoning request recently approved by the Surprise Planning and Zoning Commission.
Owners The Kamarata Family Trust have requested the rezoning from Rural Residential (RR) to Residential High Density (R-3). If approved and built as proposed, 27.2 acres will be developed with up to 500 traditional multi-story apartments at a density of 18.38 units/acre and 26.6 acres will be developed with up to 310 single-story units at a density of 11.65 units/acre. The new zoning’s maximum density would be set at 22 units/acre, and a minimum of 25% open space would be maintained.
The site is bordered by parcels in the Rancho Mercado Planned Area Development to the north and east and by vacant land to the south and west.
If the proposal is ultimately approved, the developers will work with the “Rancho Mercado PAD, Beardsley Water Company and Paloma Creek Water Coordinator to formulate a cohesive development plan working out pedestrian walkways, traffic circulation, utilities and drainage,” according to the submitted narrative.
Most of Kamarata Ranch is situated in a 100-year floodplain. The City and the developer have entered into a development agreement to build a drainage channel on the western boundary and a recharge facility on the southern boundary that will remove the entire property from the floodplain so it can be developed.
The traditional multifamily component would be built on the northern half of the property. The southern half would have single-story units with one-, two- or three-bedroom floorplans. Each of the parcels would have, at minimum, an amenity set featuring a pool, ramadas, pedestrian trails and “tot lots.”
A neighborhood outreach meeting was held in person and via Zoom on April 25th to discuss the proposal with residents. In accordance with the City’s notification rules, signs were posted, mailings were sent and newspaper notices were published. Even though Surprise, like most cities, has experienced an increase in residential development opposition, no members of the public attended, and planning staff received no emails or letters about the plan.
Planning staff from Luke Air Force Base commented on the proposal in a January email and said the planned development will not have a negative impact on operations. Staff also noted the area will experience approximately 165 over-flights per day and that a strong notification program would be essential for tenants.
Planning staff found the proposal consistent with the Surprise General Plan 2035, and the Commission voted for approval at its May 19th meeting. The request has not yet been put on the City Council agenda.