P.B. Bell Companies and Everest Holdings are seeking a rezoning from the City of Phoenix to allow for the development of a 14-acre site on 50th Street between Ray Road and Chandler Blvd. into a 471-unit apartment complex.
In a neighborhood meeting earlier this month, project representatives described a community with four clusters of buildings. Two four-story buildings with heights of approximately 48 feet would be built around a pool and clubhouse area. Other planned amenities include a dog park, a “tot lot,” and a multipurpose area with barbeque facilities.
Residents attending the neighborhood meeting expressed concerns about the project’s potential traffic impacts, given the existing degree of congestion between Ray Road and the I-10 and the potential increases expected from other developments in the area.
The developers hope to present their proposal to the Ahwatukee Foothills Village Planning Committee on Dec. 19, followed by a Planning Commission vote in February and a City Council vote in March. (Source)