By Roland Murphy for AZBEX (BEXclusive)
Allante Properties has requested the City of Phoenix rezone 2.18 acres at the SWC of Peoria Avenue and Cave Creek Road to enable the development of a 240-unit multifamily development called Valle View.
The total project area consists of 5.2 acres. The portion covered by the request is currently zoned C-2 intermediate commercial. The request would change the zoning to R-5 multifamily residential.
The development plan calls for one multifamily building of up to 48 feet in height with an associated parking garage.
According to the staff report on the project, “The subject site, as well as areas to the north, east and south are designated as Commercial on the General Plan Land Use Map. To the west is designated as Residential 10 to 15 dwelling units per acre. To the north is designated Residential 3.5 to 5 dwelling units per acre and Commercial. The proposal for R5 zoning is not consistent with the General Plan Land Use; however, a General Plan Amendment is not required as the site is less than 10 acres.”
The site is currently vacant. Surrounding uses include single-family, restaurant, multifamily and commercial.
Planned amenities include a courtyard and pool, cabanas, a barbeque area, landscaped open areas and a dog park.
A land use plan for the Sunnyslope area adopted in 1980 and amended in 1981 designated the site as part of a Community Commercial area adjacent to high-density multifamily. While the proposed Valle View development would conflict with that plan on its face, staff notes four of the land use plan’s objectives would support the development because of its benefits to the overall community.
The report also notes the proposed development advances the City’s Housing Phoenix Plan and “Complete Streets” Guiding Principles.
Staff has recommended 21 stipulations to the proposed development that would further add to its compliance with Phoenix government goals and has found the request to be appropriate for the location and surrounding land uses.
The request is scheduled for hearings before the North Mountain Village Planning Committee on Feb. 19 and the Phoenix Planning Commission on March 6.
The project owner is Allante Properties. Kephart is the design firm. The civil engineer is Harris Kocher Smith, and Norris Design is the land use planning firm and project representative.