By Roland Murphy for AZBEX
IDM Companies is planning a 121-unit Build-to-Rent development on 12.73 acres at the SWC of 51st Avenue and Elliot Road in the Laveen area of Phoenix.
The plan for Curato Laveen features 42 one-bedroom duplex units and 79 two-bedroom units. A total of 225 parking spaces will be provided, although only 182 would be required under the zoning.
Project representatives are requesting a rezoning from the current mix of suburban ranch, single-family and planned community to commercial neighborhood retail. The surrounding uses are all single-family residential or vacant land. Under the C-1 Neighborhood Retail zoning, the property would be developed using R-3 residential development standards, which would allow up to 194 units.
The units are all planned as single-story with a maximum planned height of 15 feet, according to the draft staff report. Elevations show pitched shingle roofs, covered patios and both lap board and board and batten siding.
The buildings will be built in clusters with a variety of open space areas distributed throughout the development. A minimum of 5% open space coverage is required, and the application requests a variance since the plan only provides 4.7%.
Planning staff recommended approval for the request, subject to stipulations. It did not, however, recommend conformance with the general site plan as submitted, since the plan will need to be revised or granted variances in the zoning adjustment process. Staff also recommended limiting the maximum density to 10 units/acre to ensure the number of units that could be developed under future site plan revisions.
Among the recommended stipulations are the implementation of a pedestrian connection near the 51st Avenue and Elliot Road intersection, walkway enhancements along the vehicular crossing points, traffic calming measures at the entrances and exits, and a minimum of 30 bicycle parking spaces throughout the site. The development will also have to construct a bus stop pad on southbound 51st Avenue.
Staff found the proposal to be consistent with the General Plan Land Use Map designation for the site and that it is consistent with the size and scale of other approved developments in the area. They also found the plan will redevelop vacant land and provide additional housing opportunities at the intersection of an arterial and collector street.
According to the submitted site plan, IDM Apartments Phoenix is the developer. heibrid architecture is the design firm. HILGARTWILSON, LLC is the civil engineer, and landscape planning is by Neill + Young Associates Landscape Architecture. The project is represented by Withey Morris, PLC.