By Roland Murphy for AZBEX
Acadia Healthcare wants to build a 100-bed behavioral healthcare hospital on 12.03 vacant acres at the NWC of Ellsworth Road and Peterson Avenue in Mesa.
The proposal was presented before the Mesa Design Review Board in a June 14th work session.
Acadia is requesting to opt into the Elliot Road Technology Corridor Planned Area Development and is asking for an Administrative Site Plan Approval and Design Review Approval. According to the project narrative submitted by project representative firm Berry Riddell LLC, City staff has determined the proposed hospital use is allowed under the site’s existing Light Industrial zoning and the PAD.
The request seeks to build a single-story, 100-bed behavioral hospital that will be divided into five units to treat both adolescents and adults. The site plan prepared by Crunk Engineering LLC shows the 100-bed facility planned for 73.7KSF, with possible future additions of 4.27KSF and 6.57KSF for a 20-bed expansion and an outpatient facility.
The request also asks for Alternative Compliance under the zoning ordinance because the south elevation has an uninterrupted wall element longer than 50 feet. In justifying the request, the project narrative says, “The south elevation, that faces Signal Butte Road, features an architecturally, monolithic design element that spans more than 50 feet. The entry features an insulated metal feature that slopes to create visual interest. At the pedestrian level, multi-pane glass store front and a covered entry way are provided to ensure a comfortable, human scale point of entry. This feature enhances the overall quality of the building, while creating architectural interest.”
The staff presentation to the Board sought input and review for the Alternative Compliance.
The project narrative concluded its request by saying, “The proposed hospital is consistent with the General Plan Land Use classification of Employment and the Gateway Strategic Development Plan ‘Mixed Use Community District’. It is anticipated that the hospital will add a minimum of 158 new jobs. This use will add a much-needed sector of healthcare in an area that is currently underserved.”
Acadia Bills itself as “the largest stand-alone behavioral health company in the U.S.” and operates a network of more than 10,000 beds in 40 U.S. states and Puerto Rico, serving approximately 70,000 patients per day across its facilities with an employee count of more than 20,000.